I find it distressing that so little attention - not to mention credibility is given to this critical subject. The Gospel of Mark is replete with references to demons and possession and yet the church today keeps its head in the sand when it comes to the enemy and his little helpers.
Oh, I know - that was then - this is now - right? Hooey!! To deny the existence, operation, danger and influence of the demonic is to deny the scriptures - period!
Yeah - today we'd rather just call it mental illness and give it a pill. Well folks, after 20+ years of working with psychiatrists, psychologists and their patients that assumption does what assume always does. It leaves folks - even those who are afflicted with some mental illness out in the cold when it comes to the work of the Prince of the power of the air. So, they are just "honey out of luck!"
There is nothing "fantastical," or "sensational" in this book. It was not written to tickle your ears or feed your flesh. It does provide the reader with a sound and clear BIBLICAL perspective on our latest cultural IED - ie: ghost hunting.
Mom's and Dads who would never consider allowing their kids to play with Ouija Boards of Tarot Cards will actually sit and watch these hellish TV shows with them. I find that utter irresponsible and terrifying! Oh - these same parents will let thie kids watch the MTV and reality trash as well. No wonder our kids are numb and dumb.
But - this is about a book, an important book and a ministry, an important mnistry and the fact that the church - the "common" church is just too given to cultural compromise to get off its duff, get its head out of the sand and look at a very very serious issue.
Yeah, I guess I'm a little irritated! Ok, I'm a lot irritated. Self-denominated believers just can't seem to be bothered with the fact that Satan and his little helpers have their own TV shows and a teaching young and old alike lies straight out of the pit of hell.
Yes, the subject is outside our comfort zone - but "we" (believers) are supposed to be uncomfortable here anyway. Unfortunately we have grown to find "fictional" sin on TV and in movies and demons being contacted and engaged as "ghosts" to be entertaining.
To be honest, if I had my choice I vote for the gladiatorial games and circuses of ancient Rome over the lies we see on TV. Patti and used to watch a show called Castle until the two main characters started carrying on an affair right in the house where his college age daughter and his mother lived. So much for that show! So now we live on Duck Dynasty and old TV shows on Netflix.
But back to my point - BUY the book - know the truth - then USE it!!!!!!
James 4:17 NASB
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.
Think - Pray - Do!
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