As we work though James we need to have an understanding of "sin."
So, here's a chart from D. Smith's book, With Willful Intent. I highly recommend the book as a sound primer concerning the biblical view of sin.
Accents and breathing marks omitted.
Hebrew English Greek English
Word Meaning Equivalent Meaning
---- ------ adekia synonym to parabasis
asaq act unjustly adikeo do wrong; injure/harm
seqer deciet, fraud adikos unjust
pesa unlawful act adikama unjust deed
awon offense, guilt adikia unrighteous, wrongdoing
hatta't lapse, sin amartia sin
---- ------- amartema faiure/mistake against someone
---- ------- amartano everything that is opposed to God
rasa evildoer amartolos sinner / synonym to poneros =
depraved or evil anyone whose actions
thoughts and attitudes run contrary to
God's will Matt 16:1-12; 23:1-38
---- ------ anomia lawlessness
---- ------ apistia lack of trust, infidelity
obstinant unbelief
sur ; satah turn aside, deviate parabaino turn aside, transgress
ma al unfaithfulness paraptoma trespass, false step, a deliberate action
by which one loses his/her standing
with God
Remember - one of the most common accusations against our Lord was that he was, :a friend to sinners." Matt. 11:19; Mark 2:14-15 Think on that one!!!!!!
Lk. 15:11-31 NT scholar D. Guthrie commented that, "sin is not a squandering of family property, although this is not condoned. It is rather a refusal to act as a son {daughter}, which in effect amounted to a rebellion against the father."
Think on:
James 4:17 NASB
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.
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