The two previeous posts on the Hell of Melacholy (as well as those which will follow) are intended to accomplish two things. First I want other believers who struggle afgainst this affliction to know they are not alone - there are quite a few of us. Secondly I hope that the posts will open the eyes and ears of the Church to those standing on the fringes who need the churches care and compassion.
Mental illness (or as I prefer, the affliction of the soul) has many faced and manifestations. Psychology has at least provided us with data to underestand and describe the various form they take. And to a degree medical science has developed some medications that, although they do not cure, at least they aleviate the worst of the distress so that the afflicted can deal, with God's help, with the res of the issues.
The afflictions of the soul are not catching and yet to a large part sufferers are treated not too differently that the lepers we find in the Bible. Where they should be the focus of intense care and comfort in the church they are more often than not relegated to the fringes to cope as best they can.
I hope, as you read the reflective posts "The Hell of Melacholy" your hearts will be pierced and your consciences prodded to at least begin to pray for us - I say us becaue i suffer from melacholy myself.
The affliction is not a "bad attitude" or wrong beliefs or a lack of faith the affliction is very real and very biblical and is deserving of our care and concern.
So I hope you'll stay the course. I don't know how long the "course" will run or how often I'll post --- I'm trusting God for all that and a lot more - but please, please pray for the posts that they will pierce the ignorance and fear that those who do not suffer these affliction have.
We are yiur brothers and sisters - we need you and what our Lord provides through you. He is with us - caring and sustaining. We'd like to have you stadning wiht us as well. An affliction of the soul may last a brief time or a life time - that is in His hands - but however long it lasts we need to be understood, cared for, encouraged, loved.
Thank you - for at least getting this far with us ----
Michael S.
thank you for this sensitive portrayal of soul suffering. Mine seems to be lifelong...broken, damaged...dark. Yet, hope is real