Saturday, March 23, 2013

Intimate insights 004

I have never considered until now the pain Paul (and others) in those early years must have experienced as they were taken away from those with whom they labored, those they loved.  The depth f that distress is just not something I ever contemplated.

Now, I'm beginning to understand what Paul means when he writes:

Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long to see, my joy and crown, in this way stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.  (Php 4:1)

It's true - that we are so apt to take for granted and even forget those we love and have been loved by in the Lord.  

When God brings them to mind - especially when parting is a potential - the thoughts and remembrances are both joyous and painful.

Father, thank You for the privilege of loving and bring loved - of teaching and being taught - thank You.  Give me, please, the strength you gave Paul to walk into tomorrow knowing You were there waiting for him.  

Father - make the love and fellowship we have shared with so many be a strength and an encouragement - and if it is not inappropriate - a source of hope and promise in what you are doing and will do.

Father keep us praying and trusting - even as we weep and hurt - only You can - please do.

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