Monday, March 11, 2013
The main and plain things - thoughts on worship.
The Fellowship of Believers
Acts 2
[42] And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. [43] And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. [44] And all who believed were together and had all things in common. [45] And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. [46] And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, [47] praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
Verse 42 provides us with a great foundation for our fellowship. The Word, One another, the Lords Table and Prayer.
I consider these, as A. Begg would say, "main and plain," things.
The key to worship is Him. Certainly we can expect to benefit from it but the focus must be His honor and glory. It is a unique time, a unique experience. It is His honor and glory we are to express as well as experience - not our own.
Too much of many "worship" times are focused on our "getting" something out of it. I'll be bold enough to say that if that is the purpose we come for, we come wrongly. Getting something out of worship should only be a potentiality, not a purpose.
This is a hard thing but a good thing. Worship is what we give in response to what we have received.
I have no problem with gathering to express our joy and our move and our blessedness. there are times when we need to do this in common. But let us not call that "worship," even though it can be worshipful. We can celebrate and share and this is a good thing but when we gather to worship there is a single focus and there needs to be a certain seriousness and formality, closer boundaries.
Whether it is dry or dull says more about us and our mis-directed expectations than it does about what we are actually about. This is why the Puritans encouraged the preparations of the mind and heart prior to worship. They encouraged using Saturday evening as the time to set our minds and hearts on Him - His honor and glory.
There are quite practical ways of doing this especially is such a "busy-ness" culture as ours. To give an example, some folks designate 6pm on Saturday as the time when the preparations begins. Clothes are laid our. Bibles and notebooks located and set out and a time of prayer and reflection are taken. Many cease to engage in entertainments (DVRs are a blessing). But since worship is unique and "other," a time and ficus on preparation is a lovely thing to set aside.
Worship is not just another entry in Outlook or our Daytimer. It is not just another thing we do. It is THE thing we do on His day to honor and glorify Him. It can not be "casual" though it need not be uncomfortable. It is our hearts and minds that need to be prepared - much more so than lunch or other activities.
The early believers we committed to worship as worship. Everything else, though worshipful, was just everything else.
Worship needs order and a certain amount of predictability. As I say, if it is dull and unprovoking, that says more about us than about it.
Just some thoughts for us to consider. Worship is not "fellowship," nor is it entertainment and certainly not a rodeo. It is a solemn gathering of His people for a sincere and single focus on Him. Every component must direct us to Him and His sovereignty, majesty, honor and glory.
We have somehow been diverted to the point that many "worship" services are more entertainment and manipulations. This is not good - not healthy - really, not worship. It is not a non-option for fellowship - praise and common celebration is a good thing - but worship is a whole different thing. We come to Him for Him. We come humbly, repentantly, gratefully and openly - to Him - for Him. What we "take away" says a great deal about what we believe, how we understand the "faith."
Just my thoughts - yours would be welcome!
Father, by the power and influence of Your Spirit, create in me a sense of holy awe, redemptive fear and submission to You as I approach Your Day and Your worship. Take my mind off of me, off of the world and enable me to bow in reverence and adoration so that worship - formal Lord's Day worship, become a unique time of focusing on Your glory, majesty, honor and glory.
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