I hope that in the posts so far offered you have a sense and an appreciation for what an affliction of the soul can do in one's heart and mind. You can extrapolate the effect if can have in relationships and work and even church (I hope).
But I would not have you think that such afflictions are not without answers or remedies. The answers and remedies may not be easy and they may not bring complete relief but they are there and they are worth investing in.
For me, even in the midst of the worst of my melacholy I have found routine to be very very helpful. Now, this is just what "works" for me - for you it may be different.
I rise at 5 am everyday regardless of whether I need to be up that eary or not. I turn on the cofee and as it is in the making I get my Bible and my journal and turn to the book of Proverbs. It is the first day of the month I turn to Proverbs 1. If it is the 14th day of the month I turn to Proverbs 14.
Once the coffee is done I sit and read through the day's chapter slowly. As i read I pray and seek something that I can grab hold of. Note, I am not looking for something to grab hold of me - in the midst of melacholy that does not happen much.
If (and sometimes it's a big if) I find something I write it in my journal and may (or not) jot down an inisight or two. Then I pray about what I which I have read and written.
All told - maybe - maybe 30 minutes. BUT I have begun my day in a good and faithful way.
I then will take time for prayer. Sometimes the prayers are really good and open and easy. Sometimes they're a struggle. Sometimes I find myself praying for others (a list is a nice thing to have) and sometimes I just can't get beyond me.
My point is that I begin engaged with God which sets the time for the day (sometimes more than others). What does this accomplish? I demonstrates that regardless of how I feel about my relationship with God - that I will be faithful in the duties He calls me to.
It makes a big difference to me and for me. No, it isn't some big production but I don't need a big production. What I need is some means of starting my day with my Savior. This simple routine sets the tone for me and often I find that it carries me through the day with a lot of strength to deal with all the melancholy "feelings" that chase me through the day.
Lately my wife has joined me and we read a devotion from a devotional book. Maybe we talk about it a little - maybe we don't but the simple doing of it makes a difference for us and it will for you.
No - I don't "feel" like it every morning. But when your soul is afflicted feelings are poor proofs of anything.
Why Proverbs? The verses are short sweet and to the point. I am not being exhorted to be joyful or whinsome but rather I am taking good solid guidance from the word. It is just that simple. It's not magic and I may feel the same when I'm done as I felt when I began BUT I have done it. John Owen (I believe) wrote concerning our Christian duties, "Do it as you can that you might be able to do it better."
I also do it becausee based on having done it I have hope that it will make a difference for me during the day - and I do it because I believe, whether I feel, sense, or realize it - or not - it does make a difference - Being faithful always makes a difference even when we can't see the difference it makes.
I want my readers to develop a deep appreciation, respect and tenderness for those of God's flock who suffer some affliction of the soul. I want you, if you so suffer, to know that you are of no less value and concern to the Shepherd than anyone else, If you love someone who is so afflicted I pray you will pray for the sensitivty, tenderness and insight to be a part of God's provision in their distress.
As we move forward I hope to share some other insights I have learned in order to serve Him regardless of my affliction or even becasue of it. Remember, the promise is of eternity with Him - the hope of it - and His making it sure. Your affliction does not negate of weaken that promise in the least. You are an afflicted sheep not a bad or rebelious one.
Be encouraged - there is hope - there is promise and they are for you. The hardest thing you will have to do is to stand (or sit or lie) there in the midst of your affliction and say, "Here I am Lord, send me." God can and does use broken vessels - theu simply have to be vessels He has made clean.
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