I hope you've gotten a better appreciation for the soul affliction of melacholy. Whether you suffer it yourself or know someone who does it is a tough thing to deal with. But God is faithful and He will not let us face trials that we can not bear. I know that sounds hollow, but it's true.
One key to our spiritual life when the affliction of melacholy is present is to keep it simple. Pray simply. Read the Word simply. It is not time to try for lofty heights or profoound depths of sirituality. It is time for rest and trust and, well, simplicity.
I often simply pray the Model Prayer or the 23rd Psalm or another Psalm that toouches my need. I often simly read Pslams of Proverbs to take in what spiritual nourishment I can. As an old Puritain once wrote, "Do it s you are able in order to do it better." Be gentle with yourself.
One thing to remember is that our feelings are twisted up by the affliction. We have to really work to remember thaat what is true is true regardless of how we feel. I've found that quoting (reading) passages of assurance like those found in Eph. and Rom. can make a real difference. I just read them over and over not like a chant but to fix my mind and keep it from wandering to the worries melacholy brings with it.
If you are involved with someone struggling melancholy you have a powerful ministry to be about. Tenderness, patience and taking care of yourself are critical. You can not "fix" it but you can be a source of comfort and encouragment. It will take a lot out of you but God will supply your need. You will at times, feel helpless and hopeless yourself and the things I've mentioned above will benefit you as well.
Perhaps the gretest thing you can do is to pray for and with your friend of family member. Pray scripture with them, pray comfort for them, pray piece for them. They are not defective they are afflicted. One friend descibes their depression as a bad case of the ful that never ends.
I haven't mentioned medications yet but I need to. My motto is, "Trust God and take your medications." God in His providence has provided some wonderful treatments for melacholy and we would be foolish to not take advantage of them. You want to be on the right med' that allows you to engage and address the melacholy. I tell those I minister to, "You are not responsible FOR your melacholy but you must be responsible IN it."
The med's don'c cure anything but they do alleviate the melancholy so that we may, to one degrree or another, function responsibly. Remember the quote above, "Do it as you can......" That's what you want your med's to do.
I'll revisit melancholy form time to time and am still open to questions and dialogue but that's about it for now - I'm "Doing it as I can........"
My prayers are with the melachoy and those who care or them. You are not alone no mattter how alone you feel. God is certainly with you and you are in the hearts and minds of many many others who suffer as you do.
May God lead you to the warmth and light of His grace more and more, day by day.
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