1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
What a GREAT verse! In the Lord, our labor is not in vain. Boy, did I need to hear that or what. What a POWERFUL encouragement, especially when we feel our work is small and has little positive effect! It is great to know that "in him," our labor is never in vain.
But, there is kind of a caveat to this. We need to be steadfast, immovable and constantly abounding in His work.
Now a lot of us will balk at the, "in the work of the Lord." We will think that this verse applies only to those "professionals" who serve in some fulltime ministry. As a great friend of mine would say, "That is a lie right out of the pit of hell!" We have to get away from this incredibly narrow view of what is His work.
A Christian mother and wife is engaged in His work as she cares for her family. She does not have to ever leave the home to be in fulltime service. Everything she does is, "in the Lord," and hence, it is His work. As children obey and respect their parents they are engaged in His work. As husbands and fathers labor to provide subsistence for their families, they are engaged in His work.
Anything we do, "in the Lord," is His work and is NEVER in vain!
But we do have to be steadfast (keep on keeping on), immovable (bloom where you are planted) and abounding (what your hand finds to do, do)!
We also need to examine ourselves and our labor to be confident that we are doing it. "In Him." Sure, you'll find a lot of messy mixed motives as you examine this but you look for the light not the shadows. Whatever you find in the mix, if love for Christ is there, you are good to go. You're gonna find a lot of your own stuff mixed in there. Do not let it stop you or hinder you in any way. He is in the business of refining us and all we do do. Don't sweat it, do it and do it for Him.
Now, notice I don't say do it perfectly. You're not gonna. Not gonna happen. You're gonna move forward in fits and starts, ups and downs, homeruns and foul balls. But you gotta be doing it for Him to be refining it. Sure, perfection is a great and worthy goal. We aim at it, constantly secure in the knowledge that wherever we fall short, He covers the shortfall.
A great lesson concerning our labor is found here;
1 Corinthians 3:6-7, 9 ESV
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. [7] So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. [9] For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building.
Oh, dear ones, if we would only carve that on our consciences! We always tend to take on that which is not ours to fulfill! None of our labors in Him can ever be in vain when the conclusion of the effort is in His hands!
WE ARE ALL God's fellow workers, right where He has us doing what He has given us to do. Whatever a believer does should be considered fulltime service. That includes both our labor and our leisure. We are His fulltime, therefore what we do should be His fulltime!
Dear ones, stay steadfast. Be immovable. Abound in what He has given you to do. AND relax and rejoice in the fact that He is the period on all the senteces our lives write. NOTHING you do in Him is EVER in vain!
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