If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [2] Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Melancholy, especially chronic melancholy is a strange affliction. One mo,emt things are relatively fine and the next momemt the melancholy raises its ugly head and smacks you into the dirt. It is a most unpleasant occurrence. One never knows when it will strike and determining why can be difficult.
If we accept that there is a neurochemical component to the affliction then the sudden attack can be due to some shift in the chemical balance. But we do not want to lay all of the blame on some mysterious chemical Russian roulette. We, our minds and hearts, play a powerful role in this affliction as well.
One of the more simple causes of these sudden drops has much to do with what we have set our minds and hears on. We have all heard the phrase, "I really had my heart set on ......." When we set out hearts and or minds on something we have to accept that we may have set ourselves up for a drop, for a deep bout of melancholy. Therefore, it is important that we guard our minds and hearts from being set on anything that can disappoint.
This does not mean we don't desire things - ever. But it does mean that we have to moderate the strength of our desires for anything in or of the world. This means we have to take responsibility and do the hard work of examining exactly what we have set our minds and/or hearts on and to what degree. When we fail to do this we can expect a drop.
I have been looking for a new job. We need more income and frankly working nights is getting tougher. I had submitted two applications for two jobs for, which I believe my skills and experience make me a viable candidate. One job looks very positive the other is still up in the air. I received a call from the very positive job today for a second interview and found myself dropping into, that dark place. Wondering why I! examined my heart and mind and realized I had set my mind and heart on the other job to a greater degree than I had thought even though they have only read my resume and have not offered an interview. Oh sure, it's a better job and a greater challenge but the mere fact that a call from positive job cast me down made me very suspicious of the set of my mind and heart.
We are admonished to set our mind and heart on things above, and not things below, for a very good reason. Things above are promised and guaranteed. They are bought and paid for. Things below, not so much. One reason that we should not set our hearts on things in and of this world is because they are entagled in that great web of fallenness that so corrupts the whole world. We are no match for the world, the flesh and the devil, at least not on our own. We are not capaple of navigating the maze of deceit that works in this world. And besides, this is all passing away.
We have a great promise concerning ourmhearts and minds;
Philippians 4:6-7 ESV
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. [7] And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
When we earnestly and consistantly pray concernining our needs, desires and concerns (what we set our minds and hearts on) we have the promise of the peace of God. And this is not mellow sence of well being type of peace. It is an active and dynamic peace. It guards our hearts and minds. It works in us to keep us safe and away from setting our minds and hearts awry. This is a promise we need to grab hold of and hold so tightly is squeals! Let God know about everything that concerns your mind and heart and He will guard it!
Melancholy is a mean and nasty affliction. It seems to abate only to blindside us. But where we have set our minds and hearts has a lot to do, with its power in our lives. Our prayer thoughts and life can have a powerful effect upon hooften and how hard it hits us. Where we have set our minds and nearts plays a powerful role in how and where it hits us. A key to avoiding these blindside injuries is to work diligently to keep, our minds and hearts set on things above and to set our concerns and desires above as well.
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