For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. (Heb 4:15)
"we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses"
1) want of strength, weakness, infirmity
1a) of the body
1a1) its native weakness and frailty
1a2) feebleness of health or sickness
1b) of the soul
1b1) want of strength and capacity requisite
1b1a) to understand a thing
1b1b) to do things great and glorious
1b1c) to restrain corrupt desires
Sometimes it's easy to forget the Master's humanity - His utter humanity and His subjection to all the things we face. Certainly times and culture can make it hard to connect to specifics - but regardless of the differences His subjection was - well - the same.
When we consider the "weaknesses" the author of Hebrews means it is amazing to think of the Master experiencing them without sin. But, He did - for our sake He had to.
Father, help me remember my Master's "weaknesses." He suffered them for me - He overcame them for me. I can not do the same for Him but I can trust Him to do so in and through me.
I am so weak and frail and my pretense at not being so makes that realization all the more painful and convicting.
Help me remember that when He said that apart from Him I (we) could do nothing He was not just warning me of pride and self-sufficiency but He was calling me to come to Him as the only source of any ability to do - well - anything, anything at all.
Lord "submitting" is easy - staying submitted is hard. Let me learn to stay on my knees before You every moment of every day sure that: apart from You I can do nothing, anything try to do apart from You is nothing and that with You all things are possible (not certain) but possible according to Your will.