Friday, February 28, 2014

Prosperity's Deception 022814

"A man by trouble comes to know his own heart, which in prosperity he is a stranger to.  He sees the wickedness of his grace and the strength of his corruption; hw nothing is weak but grace, nothing strong but sin; and it lays him in the dust."
Thomas Case, A Treatise on Afflictions

It is so that when all seems well and we are at our ease we will grow slack in those duties and graces that our salvation calls us, commands us to.  When in prosperity we will neglect that which is so essential to our spiritual health and growth.

When God sees one of His beloved so neglectful and slack how can He not intervene?  How can He not seek to restore such a one to the fullness of life found in walking uprightly and partaking of the grace and mercy of the Lord?

He will intervene and sometimes that intervention is not easy or pleasant.  but it is purposeful and will intended for our good.

It is in those times when God seems to have withdraw that we see the evil of our neglect and slackness.  We see it for what it is, sin.  We see how our hearts have looked to those creature comforts for assurance and confidence and we are shamed.

Here we see the corruption that yet lives in our hearts.  We sense the lack of ability and even motivation to pursue God as though He was running from un (even those he isn't).  We loose that sense of cocky confidence in our circumstances and discover that even when God withdraws just a little we are cast upon desperate times and dismayed hearts.

Must God correct us severely or are we willing to accept the duties and means of grace He has provided that he might be honored and glorified by our lives?  Must God appearantly withdraw from us for us to re-learn our desperate need for Him and all He calls us to?  Will God need to whip us to our duties where He would woo us?

When God withdraws it is always becasue we have, in some manner, already withdrawn from Him.  If He cannot woo us He will whip us by providential circumstances back into His arms.

Time and time again we can read of Irsael's faithlessness and rebelion.  Are we really any different.  We live in prsperity and prosperity becomes our god.  Then the our God, jealous for our souls, must demonstrate clearly that those comforts and possessions which we take to be signals of our well being are but lies that cannot and will not carry us through times of trial and disease.

I am not saved by works but by grace.  But the more I live and the more I struggle I see that grace can be corrupted in a corrupt heart.  I hesitate to pray away the trials that are such powerful reminders of my utter need for God and my complete need to exercise all the means of grace and mercy He provides that I might not only endure but grow in and through whatever trials I find myself in.

Beware prosperity and comfort for the yet unresolved corruption in your heart will abuse and confuse them to our deterioration and destruction.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Trusting God - Baxter - 022014

To trust in God, is, upon the apprehension of the allsufficiency, goodness, and faithfulness of God, to quiet our hearts in the expectation of the safety or benefits from him which we desire, rejecting the cares, and fears, and griefs that would disquiet them, if they had not the refuge of these hopes. It containeth in it a crediting the Word or nature of God, or judging it to be asufficient ground of our security and expectation: and then security and expectation built upon that ground, make up the rest of the nature of trust. Looking for the benefit, and finding a complacency and quietness of mind in the ground discovered, andceasing all other cares and fears, which would else disquiet us. Aquinas and other school-men, often call affiance, ' spes roborata,' a confirmed hope.
Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Trusting God _Baxter_ Contraries 021914

Below you'll find a quote from Richard Baxter's work, A Christian Directory.  There's not much to say concerning what he writes other than is really speaks to the troubles we encounter in trusting God.

I hope you are blessed by the quote and that you will examine your heart in regards to these "contraries."  

"The Contraries to trust in God, are1. Privative: not trusting him: not seeing the ground of just security in his love and promise: not crediting what is seen: not ceasing disquietness and distrustful cares and fears. 2. Positive distrust: supposing the allsufficiency, goodness, and promises of God, are not sufficient grounds of our expectation and securityand thereupon disquieting our minds with sinful fears, and griefs, and cares, and shifting endeavours for ourselves some other way. And this hath various degrees: in some it is predominant; in others not. 3. Opposite or adverse: when we trust ourselves, or friends, or wealth, or something else instead of God, either against him, without him, or in co-ordination with him."

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Trusting God - Trouble (b)

Matthew 6:34 ESV
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

In the second part of this versewe're told that each day has its own troouble and that that troublee is sufficient.

Car breakdowns, illness, traffic, bad news, sudden expenses even missed oppotunities are all the types of trouble we experience and we tend to just take them in stride.  But should we?

Is there anything in our lives that is too trivial for God?  Is there anything about our lives that the God who numbers my hairs and my days can be disconnected from?  No, I have to believe that nothing - NO thing - in and about my life is too trivial for God to be concerned with.

Traffic is bad, other drivers are rude and I am running late for an important meeting.  That has a great effect on my attitiude and temper.  Is God not interested in that as much as anything else?  Is He not concerned that I arrive at the meeting calm and composed so I may do my best and honor Him?  Does He not care about my heart and needs?  To assume - even by lack of attention- that God is not interested in the smallest thing in my life makes a mockery of Jesus' claim that He is interested.

How much attention though do we pay to the trivial?  Do we pray about these things?  A timely arrival at a meeting, a good parking place, no car breakdown,   Or deo we just figure their random things that we just have to suffer and deal with?

Brothers and sisters, our very lives are composed of a multitude of the trivial that all fit together to build our lives.  One thing goes wrong and we feel our dau is spoiled.  A bad hair day and we're cast down all day.  One "little" thing does not go according to our plans and we're mortified and depressed.  It should not be this way.

The only things I know that will assist us in livng in the "trouble" we encounter each day is attention to detail in prayer.  We do not waaste God's time or providence by praying for what we consider trivial or silly.  Indeed when we do pray for these things we are confirming in our hearts and minds that our God is the God of the details no matter how trivial they seem to us.  We do not "bother" god when we go to Him with anything.  Indeed we are dmonished to do exactly that.

Need to meed a quota?  Need Power Point to work right?  Need for traffic to no be a problem?  Why not pray about that?  What excuse could we possibly have for not praying about things of this nature.

Each day has trouble.  /each day needs to begin with pray and especially prayer about facing the trouble the day will bring.  And as we encounter these troubles we need to be praying about them asking God to help us see His use for them, His purpose in allowing them into our lives - when they happen!

Paul tells us to "pray always," and this admonition in Matthew is one very important reason why.  We can never pray too much and we can never thing anything in our lives is too trivial to pray about.

Trusting God?  Trusting God for the trivial?  Who else are you going to trust?  

Trusting God is not about trusting Him for BIG things it is trusting Him for EVERYTHING.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Trusting God - Trouble (a) 021714

When we read Matthew 5 and 6 we are so blessed by the promises and assurances Jesus gives us.  There is so very much in these chapters that perhaps it is easy to miss some of it.  I've been thinking particularly of:

Matthew 6:34 ESV
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

I noticed first that "tomorrow will be anxious for itself."  I am comforted that Jesus understands our anxieties.  And I am encouraged that He counsels me to accept that there will be "anxiety" in each day.

And what would I count as "anxieties?"  Well, I would consider that the word translated anxiety means to be troubled with cares so what I am anxious about is what I have both legitimate concern for and illegitimate concern for.

I'm anxious about sin.  The day is full of temptations.  Gossip, lust, lack of trust, making "my" plans, poor stewardship are all potential concerns of mine.  But I can't let their potential comsume my mind.

I do however need to responsible for these temptations.  So in order to not be anxious about sin I need to prepare my mind and heart every morning for the coming day.  My days being pretty much a regular routine, I know when and how I'll be tempted for the most part.  I know where to divert my mind and my eyes.  I know when I need to pray and pretty much what I need to pray for.  But all of that is adressed early in the day before I leave home.

We, I think, are anxious in direct proportion to our lack of knowledge of our hearts and our failure to prepare ourselves for the day's trials and temptations.  I know that if I just rush into a day and fly on auto-pilot I not only miss the opportunity to avoid sin but I miss His blessings that come throughout the day.

Are you anxious about sin?  I think most of us are more anxious after the fact than before it.  But we can and need to get ahead of it by preparing ourselves for what we know is coming.  We must prepare our selves for that battle we fight every minute of every day and we need to prepare in His presense.

Lord, I go forth today in Your name and by Your power.  I enter the battle once more calling upon You to strengthen me and guide me; protect me and preserve me.  Make me more sensitive to temptations Lord.  It's so easy to get caught up in sinful things when I am insensitive to them.  Make my heart sensitive and my mind aware of what may come and what does come in the way of temptation and Lord grant that I might resist and where I fail to resist bring me to repentance  Amen

Friday, February 14, 2014

Trusting God - Or? 021414

Jesus tells  that we will trust either God or Mammon (Money).  And who of us could dispute that truth?  For better or ill we need money to live in this fallen world and we are subject to all the schemes and machinations of our economy devised by men and women for whom Mammon if indeed God.

We do foolish things when it comes to money and we do make mistakes.  We take bad advise and well - we sin.  And so money (for both needs and debt) looms large in our vision and can preoccupy our prayers.

It's all too easy to see Mammon as an answer - and we have to admit sometimes it is.  But how do we pray for that answer - and whom we pray to for that answer is critical.

Fred has been out of work for a year.  He and his wife squeak by on what she earns and the kindness of both friends and strangers.  They worry and fret.  They are embarrassed and convicted.  They have erred and sinned when it comes to money.

How do we encourage them?  How do we direct them to pray.   Fred needs a job - they need money - what do we say, what do we do?

Encouraging them to pray for God's provision is a "Yeah duh."  But they struggle with constantly praying for money.  They feel they are using God like and ATM and they do not want to.  They fear imposing upon friends and ruining relationships.  They are embarrassed and to some extent ashamed.  The "brave faces" they put on often crack and become scowls and frowns of shame.

They wonder why God should make up for their errors and their sins with material blessings.  They struggle with bartering with God about what they will do if He come to their relief.  They struggle becasue their prayers seem inundated with their needs to the exclusion of other more important things.

What to we tell them, what do we do?

Are their prayers for financial relief actually prayers to Mammon?    They sometimes feel they are?  Though God provides for them daily and friends and strangers do what they can to help they still struggle with trust even in the face of provision

They know that God is providing but as we all know, looming future needs can force their way into our hearts and blot out that present gratitude with fear and axiousness.

Are they trusting God "Or" are the trusting someone or something else.  They think of some who could relieve their distress either by helping Fred find work of by directly addressing their debt.  They find themselves trying to figure out how God can fix the problem and they even sometimes feel that God expects  then to fix it  their own.

As Fred's wife says, she struggles, " I know God CAN provide, I struggle with IF He WILL  provide."  This is so very common especially when we look at the circumstances as the consequences of of our sin.  We ask, "Why should I ask God to clean up my mess?"  "Why should I expect or even ask Him to undo the consequences of my sin?"

Prayer can be tough in tough times.  The world condemns, Satan raises our failures and sows doubts and the flesh wants to have a pity party or just give up.

Perhaps - just perhaps the safest prayer we could ever pray - regardless of the situation is, "God have mercy on me, a sinner."

When it comes to tough times and the assaults we suffer in them we  tend to "pray to the hurt" instead of praying as we ought.  It's a fight but a fight worth the effort.

But still the question remains, "Am I trusting God for money or am I asking God for money to trust in."

Trusting God Just Today 021412

Just today
Let me trust in You.

Just today
make my heart yearn for Your presence

Just today
Let me honor and glorify You

Just today
Let me see Your hand in my life

Just today
Let me be Your hand in the lives of others

Just today
Let me know the promise of heaven

Just today
Let me focus on just today

Just today
Is what you have given

Just today
Is where I have to serve

Just today
Relieve my worries and fretting

Just to day
Feed me, clothe me, shelter me

And just today
Give me the contentment I need
Just today

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Trusting God Today 021314

Trusting God  Today

We all know Jesus' teaching about God's provision for each day.  But do we ever just sit and think that through?  I don't think many of us do.  We're so caught up in the hustle of the everyday that we just let the day go by without reflecting on how He did provide for us.

It's good to take time at the end of the day to reflect back on how the God who in in charge of everything provided for you during the day.  And don't just think about all He gave you - think as well of what you avoided - what might have happened that didn't.

I know we shouldn't engage in "vain repetitions" in prayer and I emphasize the word "vain."  But I often pray, "Just today Lord, help me focus on just today," over and over as I start my day.  So many thing press in upon my heart and mind that if I don't don't do that then I am distracted in the rest of my prayer by things in the future (both real and imagined).

God is the God of eternity - and He is the God of right now as well.  I live in the right now - I hope in eternity.  I fight to keep my focus on my "right now" needs as I go through the day - looking for His hand in events and circumstances.  I want Him to be my God "today," in each moment.

Yes, I  pray over future events and worries but I only know I have this moment and in this moment I want to be trusting Him.  It's surprising how difficult it is to do - or rather how easy it is to not do.

Perhaps that is why we are encouraged to "pray always."  Perhaps it is in keeping this attitude of prayer that we are able to live in each moment of each day more aware of His providence and care.

I hope I'm making some kind of sense.  Brothers and sisters we only have right now and we only have right now to serve Him in and be thankful in.  Should we not take advantage of it?  Should we not seek His help in focusing on today as today unfolds?  How much do we miss when we are so distracted from God in our lives right now?

Today I will trust God for today.  He has promised me eternity and not tomorrow.  So all I have is today in which to serve and honor Him.  Today certainly has enough trouble but it has blessings as well.  I know I won't miss the first and I know I do not want to miss the second.  I pray I may live today - today - and know His work in my life more intimately and consistently.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Trusting God 021214

Trusting God  021214

"What are your cares, but the turmoiling of your thoughts?  Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory

Baxter offers that we may and should control our thoughts when we are in distress, even despair and he wisely and kindly adds that we should,

"Cast away the thoughts, and cares are gone.  You may do this if you will, though it be difficult."

Our thoughts begin in our hearts.  This is the source of all good and evil that we think, feel, say or do.  It is in the heart that despair begins and it begins with our lack of trust in God.  Yes, we all have a lack of trust in God.  We may only see it when we are under some affliction but it is always there.

Many, when things are going well may think or even boast that they are trusting God and I am sure that so some extent they do.  But take away those things that give them comfort and security and the flaw is exposed.  Doubt is a part of our suffereing here and we must accept that there are places where we doubt.

But we need not wait until we are under His correcting hand to begin to address this lack of trust.  We may, through a sincere and diligent examination of our hearts discover this vein of distrust and appreciate the power of it to cause us to stumble.

If you are under some affliction and struggling with your trust in God the only solution is - well - to trust God for your lack of trust.  As the man cried our to Jesus, "Help my unbelief!" we too must be bold about our trust struggle and go to the only source of strength we have.

Scripture abounds with admonitions, promises and prayers for trust in God.  It abounds with demonstrations of His faithfulness and lovingkindness.  Even your life in HIm, if you will but sit and reflect, holds testimony to His faithfulness.

But those pesky fearful thoughts persist.  Not only that, but Satan and the world will encourage and heighten them until they scream so loud they almost drown out everything else.  But we are able to control our thoughts and by the Holy Spirit we are able to strengthen and heal our weak hearts.

Isaiah 26:3 ESV
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Notice something very important in this verse.  It is not "I" who keep me in peace but God who does it.  But I must fix my mind upon Him.  I must do two thing I think.  First I must really pray.  I use the word "really" becasue in matters of trust we can't be hedging or playing.  We must come honestly and openly to Him with our distrust confessing it and crying our for a greater trust in Him.  Where we do not trust Him, we sin and as with any other sin it must be confessed and repented of - wholy and truthfully.

Second - I must fill my mind and hence my heart with those Words of God that call me and encourage me to trust in Him.  I must take the plain truth of His lovingkindness to heart and hold it there tightly.  I know of no better way than to search out those sciptures that speak to the issue of trust and to read them (in not memorizing them) over and over until they permiate my mind and touch my heart.

Trust, even trust in our God does not come easy but it comes.

Monday, February 10, 2014

A Constant Battle 010914

Do you find yourself dealing with, "If You will .......  I will ......." type prayers or choices?

It is so sy to fall into bargaining with God for His blessing and provision.  And this is especaillly true when we are under any affliction or struggle.

Satan loves to bring to our minds all of our sins and even though they are forgiven in Christ he uses their awfulness to make us think we are condemned - even thoug that is not possible.

So we go to God and try to make a deal.  Or we undertake some duty thinking that if I just do this He will bless me.

This is, above all things, an isnight into the sin that yet clings to our hearts.  It's there and it will continue to affect our thinking and prayer.  But we must pray that the Spirit will expose this to us that we may pray against it.  So we may see it coming and bypass it in our prayers.

Oh if we could only grasp the fullness of His forgiveness.  If we were not so tied to ourselves and could see Him and His love through the self-ness we are plaugued with.

This need to prove that we are either really in need or that we are really worthy of His help drives so many of us to despair and confusion.

Take heart in the fact that in this you are not alone.  Most mature believers will tell you that they still struggle with this.  So you are not alone among believers in your struggle.

But you are not alone beyond that either.  God knows the habits of abiding sin.  He is not shocked when we come to Him this way.  He knows our struggle and appreciated the depth of it.  He knows all of our heart and He would heal it of this struggle.

Acknowledge and confess these "bargain" prayers.  Realize that God can not but give us what is best for us.  Yes, He desires - no, He commands our obedience but that is based on who He is and what He has done.  Gratitude does not nullify grace but embellishes and enlivens it.

OK- enough.  That was on my mind because day I caught myself at it.  Mmmmm figured you might catch yourself at it too.


Friday, February 7, 2014

"We" Prayers

I was praying this morning about some folks I'm involved with and was asking God to help me as I served them.  I was using a lot of "I(s)" and "me(s) which bothered me but I persisted in prayer.

Then I was praying for one paricular person and I said, "May we be a blessing......."

It may be a silly point - it may be trivial but that "we" got to me.  I think what got to me was how much I prayed that God would enable me to do this of that - or be this or that and I forgot that it has to be a "we."

It's not "I" who does anything.  It's He and I, emphasis on the He.  It was a shocker for me to realize how even in prayer my self-ish-ness, my self-focus comes into play.  I realized that I was asking Him to help "me" istead of asking Him to allow me to help Him,  serve Him.

I realized that in my corrupt and wandring heart I was using Him like somekind of a supply post where I went and got what i needed (or thought I needed) and then went on my merry way doing my thing - even though I did it for Him.

I came away from that time with a new perspective on my prayer and my service.  I don't want to serve Him but rather serve with HIm.  Maybe that's just a distinction He needed to make for me but it has been a good one.

Think about it - how often you pray "I" instead of "we."  How often you go to Him for provision and then wander off kind of without Him.  The Spirit is not in us for no purpose - so it's always gotta be a "we."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Melancholy - Moving Forward 020614

I hope you've gotten a better appreciation for the soul affliction of melacholy.  Whether you suffer it yourself or know someone who does it is a tough  thing to deal with.  But God is faithful and He will not let us face trials that we can not bear.  I know that sounds hollow, but it's true.

One key to our spiritual life when the affliction of melacholy is present is to keep it simple.  Pray simply.  Read the Word simply.  It is not  time to try for lofty heights or profoound depths of sirituality.  It is time for rest and trust and, well, simplicity.

I often simply pray the Model Prayer or the 23rd Psalm or another Psalm that toouches my need.  I often simly read Pslams of Proverbs to take in what spiritual nourishment I can.  As an old Puritain once wrote, "Do it s you are able in order to do it better."  Be gentle with yourself.

One thing to remember is that our feelings are twisted up by the affliction.  We have to really work to remember thaat what is true is true regardless of how we feel.  I've found that quoting (reading) passages of assurance like those found in Eph. and Rom. can make a real difference.  I just read them over and over not like a chant but to fix my mind and keep it from wandering to the worries melacholy brings with it.

If you are involved with someone struggling  melancholy you have a powerful ministry to be about.  Tenderness, patience and taking care of yourself are critical.  You can not "fix" it but you can be a source of comfort and encouragment.  It will take a lot out of you but God will supply your need.  You will at times, feel helpless and hopeless yourself and the things I've mentioned above will benefit you as well.

Perhaps the gretest thing you can do is to pray for and with your friend of family member.  Pray scripture with them, pray comfort for them, pray piece for them.  They are not defective they are afflicted.  One friend descibes their depression as a bad case of the ful that never ends.

I haven't mentioned medications yet but I need to.  My motto is, "Trust God and take your medications."  God in His providence has provided some wonderful treatments for melacholy and we would be foolish to not take advantage of them.  You want to be on the right med' that allows you to engage and address the melacholy.  I tell those I minister to, "You are not responsible FOR your melacholy but you must be responsible IN it."

The med's don'c cure anything but they do alleviate the melancholy so that we may, to one degrree or another, function responsibly. Remember the quote above, "Do it as you can......"  That's what you want your med's to do.

I'll revisit melancholy form time to time and am still open to questions and dialogue but that's about it for now - I'm "Doing it as I can........"

My prayers are with the melachoy and those who care or them.  You are not alone no mattter how alone you feel.  God is certainly with you and you are in the hearts and minds of many many others who suffer as you do.

May God lead you to the warmth and light of His grace more and more, day by day.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Melancholy 020414 Help

Melacholy isolates.  Isolation is not good.
But it"s tough to be in groups when one is afflicted with melacholy.

Their funny isn't funny.
Their sadness is too much.
Their smiles are frightening.
Their happiness is sorrow.

Everything is twisted into a knot of pain and darkness.

But - isolation ins't good.

We need each other.

Just being with someone
Just being with someone can help

The temptation though is to try to "fix" the melancholy
Resist that

Encourage using tangible things
Simple things
Avoid the high and lofty.

Read then scripture
Gentle scripture
Tender scripture
Read softly

Once, when I was in a particularly tough time I found that emails, texts and even brief phone messages were powerful tools.  I was alone but not forgotten.  People were praying for me thinking of me even rooting for me.  It made a quiet simple difference.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Melacholy - 020314 After morning blessings 10:00am

I am melacholy
But not without my uses

I can work within it
When I don't try to make excuses

Where is God in all of this?

God is in all of this!

I am melacholy
He has allowed it
Maybe He made it happen


What's important
Is that
In it
I have certain affinities
And insights
And abilities
I never would have
Without it

We all want to see a miracle
But we don't want the need of a miracle

We don't want to be blind so we can receive our sight
We don't want to be lame so we can walk
We don't want to be lepers so we can be cleansed

We don't really want to NEED a miracle

What we want to is to be OK
And get a miracle to get BETTER

We don't understand the usefulness
Our affliction brings
And that's understandable
Just not acceptable

Few know the vanity of life like we do
Few know the alure of the flesh like we do
Few know the pride of life like we do
Few know their sin like we do
Few know their deep deep need of Christ
Like we do

Few get to know God or themselves - or others
Like we do

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Melancholy 020214 Faithfulness

Most times all I've got to offer to Him is faithfulness
I don't have joy,  exuberant praise, just obedience

And sometimes it's just obedience becasue obedience is expected

I don't believe that faithfulness demands any special "feelings."
I just demands the doing of it.

And our obedience needs to be simple and honest

He calls us to pray - so we pray
We don't have to pray well
We just have to pray
We bring - prayerfully - whatever we've got
But we bring it faithfully

He calls us to study His word
So we do
It may be a little hollow
We may not feel inspired
But we need to obediently feed upon it
So the Hoy Spirit can work it into our minds and hearts

He calls us to worship
Individual and corporate
So we do
However  can
We do

All I have to offer Him
Is a crippled and staggering faithfulness
Sometimes I walk
Sometimes I crawl
In seeking to faithfully follow

Some He  calles to great things (as man estimates them)
Others He calls to small simply things
But He calls all of His
To be faithful
In what he has given them

The widow gave all she had
What do we have to give
Sometimes it's just faithfulness
In the simple and quiet things

Pray to simply be faithful
And then be faithful in those simple things
We're all called to it
Wherever we are
With whatever we have
However we can

In my affliction
All I can offer Him
Is my faithfulness
And sometimes even that is hard
Most times it's all I have


The Hell of Melancholy - Sunday

I've tried four times to write to you concerning Sundayship - it all boils down to this - at least for me - at times . . . .


Get up - get dressed - and go

Don't go with expectations

Just go

Be there

With others

Who are just as needy as you
But don't know it


Be there

With them

With Him


Enter late - sit in the back and leave early - but go


020214 The Hell of Melacholy - Sabbath Worship

I've tried three times to write and encourage you to go to church.  All three pieces were abismal.

Look - we need to be with other believers - especially to "worship" with other believers.

We go to worship Him
With what we've got
Just us
As us
No acting or pretense

I know it's tough
It's tough every Sunday

Smiling faces
And a battle inside

Asked "How are you?"
And knowing mostdon't want to know
Couldn't understand
And would flee if i told them

Maybe - maybe not
But it's there God will gather
All those He may potentially use
To comfort and encourage youo

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Hell of Melacholy- BUT blessed 020114 14:00

I do nof feel joy
But I know I have reason to

I do not feel loved
But I know I am

I do not feel close to Him
But I know He is close to me

I do not feel the Holy Spirit
But I know He indwells me

I do not feel most of the things
The Word says are ours
But that does not make them any less mine

I don't think they are mine
I know they are
With a real solid knowling

I am blessed
Not to be confused with happy
But blessed
Blessed as in not cursed

I am afflicted and blessed
I find blessing in the affliction

I see the tear before it"s shed
I see the sadness under the smile
I here the cacaphony beneath the harmony
I feel the fear in words of courage

My affliction makes me hard to fool
About what you are feeling
Or not
And then
I can pray for you
Pray well for you


If He so desires
I'm here
Not surprised by
Your afflcition but ready to embrace
It and you


Be very very quiet
And very very still

Blessed Melacholy -- contact

Just FYI

Contact me at:

Would love to address your questions, comments and or concerns.

I've dealt with my own melancholy for many many years and, by His grace, seek to help others find their way of living with whatever soul affliction they may face.

No - there's no mailing list except the you you have to sign up for on the actual blog page - I wouldn't know how to add you if you asked me to.

Michael S.

The Hell of Meacholy 020114 Hope

I hope that in the posts so far offered you have a sense and an appreciation for what an affliction of the soul can do in one's heart and mind.  You can extrapolate the effect if can have in relationships and work and even church (I hope).

But I would not have you think that such afflictions are not without answers or remedies.  The answers and remedies may not be easy and they may not bring complete relief but they are there and they are worth investing in.

For me, even in the midst of the worst of my melacholy I have found routine to be very very helpful.  Now, this is just what "works" for me - for you it may be different.

I rise at 5 am everyday regardless of whether I need to be up that eary or not.  I turn on the cofee and as it is in the making I get my Bible and my journal and turn to the book of Proverbs.  It is the first day of the month I turn to Proverbs 1.  If it is the 14th day of the month I turn to Proverbs 14.

Once the coffee is done I sit and read through the day's chapter slowly.  As i read I pray and seek something that I can grab hold of.  Note, I am not looking for something to grab hold of me - in the midst of melacholy that does not happen much.

If (and sometimes it's a big if) I find something  I write it in my journal and may (or not) jot down an inisight or two.  Then I pray about what I which I have read and written.

All told - maybe - maybe 30 minutes.  BUT I have begun my day in a good and faithful way.

I then will take time for prayer.  Sometimes the prayers are really good and open and easy.  Sometimes they're a struggle.  Sometimes I find myself praying for others (a list is a nice thing to have) and sometimes I just can't get beyond me.

My point is that I begin engaged with God which sets the time for the day (sometimes more than others).  What does this accomplish?  I demonstrates that regardless of how I feel about my relationship with God - that I will be faithful in the duties He calls me to.

It makes a big difference to me and for me.  No, it isn't some big production but I don't need a big production.  What I need is some means of starting my day with my Savior.  This simple routine sets the tone for me and often I find that it carries me through the day with a lot of strength to deal with all the melancholy "feelings" that chase me through the day.

Lately my wife has joined me and we read a devotion from a devotional book.  Maybe we  talk about it a little - maybe we don't but the simple doing of it makes a difference for us and it will for you.

No - I don't "feel" like it every morning.  But when your soul is afflicted feelings are poor proofs of anything.

Why Proverbs?  The verses are short sweet and to the point.  I am not being exhorted to be joyful or whinsome but rather I am taking good solid guidance from the word.  It is just that simple.  It's not magic and I may feel the same when I'm done as I felt when I began BUT I have done it.  John Owen (I believe) wrote concerning our Christian duties, "Do it as you can that you might be able to do it better."

I also do it becausee based on having done it I have hope that it will make a difference for me during the day - and I do it because I believe, whether I feel, sense, or realize it - or not - it does make a difference -  Being faithful always makes a difference even when we can't see the difference it makes.

I want my readers to develop a deep appreciation, respect and tenderness for those of God's flock who suffer some affliction of the soul.  I want you, if you so suffer, to know that you are of no less value and concern to the Shepherd than anyone else,  If you love someone who is so afflicted I pray you will pray for the sensitivty, tenderness and insight to be a part of God's provision in their distress.

As we move forward I hope to share some other insights I have learned in order to serve Him regardless of my affliction  or even becasue of it.  Remember, the promise is of eternity with Him - the hope of it - and His making it sure.  Your affliction does not negate of weaken that promise in the least.  You are an afflicted sheep not a bad or rebelious one.

Be encouraged - there is hope - there is promise and they are for you.  The hardest thing you will have to do is to stand (or sit or lie) there in the midst of your affliction and say, "Here I am Lord, send me."  God can and does use broken vessels - theu simply have to be vessels He has made clean.


The Hell of Melancholy 020114 a little later in the day

"Let not your hearts  troubed."
But it is.

"Do not be afraid."
But I am.

"Believe in God."
I do

"Believe also in me"
I do

"I go to prepare a place for you."
Can I come home now?

The Hell of Melacholy - Explained ? 020114

Take the lyrics of a song like "A Kiss is a Terrible Thing to Waste"

So many cries in the night
That you try to ignore
Why didn't I do this?
Why didn't I do that?
So many unanswered prayers
So many unopened doors
Why didn't I take it?
Why didn't I make it come true?
The loneliest words you'll ever know:
If only - if only it was so
The emptiest words that there'll ever be:
It could have been me
It could have been me
The loneliest words you'll ever- know:
If only - if only it was so
The emptiest words that there'll ever be:
It could have been me
It could have been me
You'll have to pay for it later:
If you don't get it when it's going for free!
Believe me! believe me, believe me!

Play them over and over in your head
They resonate with how you feel

Now imagine
They clash with what you have always believed
Imagine knowing God is and that He is good and faithful and kind and having that knowledge crush your heart.

It's terribly, terribly confusing - and yet - when one is afflicted with melacholy - that's the way of things.

"You know God is true
But not for you"

Is the way one person puts it.

Oh don't get me wrong - there's a lot of self-pitying whinniness in melacholy - it's part of the package.  

If you suffer the ffliction you've got to learn to live with the lies it tells - and if you love someone with the affliction you've got to accept how they feel.

There are few thing that have happened in my life that amazed me than when one of the sheep I care for shared their deep despair and hopelessness and all I could say was, "Welcome to melacholy - it sucks but there it is - the feelings you are having ------ are normal for us."

And that sheep smiled - crookedly and with tear in their eyes but they smiled.  A man with a broken leg will limp.  A blind man will not see.  A mute man will not talk and we find none of these thing odd or unusual.

Well a melcholy man or woman live desparingly and painfully - it is their new normal.  It's, well, OK.  It stinks but it is normal.

And IT IS NOT A "FAITH" ISSUE.  People who offer the discusting advice of "pray more," "trust Jesus more," "have more faith," ought, in my opinion be taken out and spanked - and spanked hard.

The most faithful, enduring, devoted, commited and honorable believers I know are melacholic.  God is not what gets them through the day - He is what keeps them from checking out early.

They cry with unseen tear for His love and provision.  They praise Him with silent lips when they see a blessing they feel they'll never experience.  Their heart race when they see hope in the eyes of another.

They know God better than most becasue of His seeming absense from their lives.  The silently scream out for His providence and healing knowing - knowing that must and can only come from Him.

Lots of believers claim they would die for Jesus - others claim they would live for Him - How about simply continuing to be faithful when there is NO sense and little evidence - tht you can sense.

Yeah - a lot n here about sensing - but on the other hand we melacholics KNOW He is and that He is the one who saves and sustains.  For us it is a comfort to know that just the moment He does not need us here anymore - we will be with Him.  But until then - if He wakes me up, enables me to get out -then I have a mission from Him - something to do for Him - becasue if I didn't  - if I don't - then I don't wanna wake up.

For the Melacholic, the Master's will is all the and the only reason - it's all we have - that knowing without seeing or feeling --- knowing - just somehow knowing - despite all the voices in our heads, knowing.  And that my friend is enough.

Any questions ---

The Hell of Melancholy 020114 4:39 AM

Another day
Gotta live it
He woke me up to it
There must be a reason

Wanna believe that
More than I do
That He has a reason
For my being alive today

I've seen it
Even in the dark
In the cold
So cold my breath freeezes

But what
Will He do
For me
Selfish, selfcentered, self-absorbed

The affliction
And outside
The circumstances
Create a vaccuum
In my heart

OK so far
But I know
Not much further

Seem hollow
They are all
Of the little
I have
Just doing
Must sometimes
Be enough

"If only"
Meatloaf was right
"The loneliest words you'll ever know,
If only-if only it was so."

Another day
Things to do
Things for Him
Or I'd not be.

Goooood morning
This is WHOPEless radio
Playing in your head
With all the new hits
To get you threw the day

Stay tuned
More darkness and despair to come

Note to the reader:  There are a few magical moments in the morning where the tide is our and one does not feel like they are drowning.  Those with afflicted souls have t grab those moments and get as close to God as they can becasue they know that this is the time - low tide - when they can steak; that sense of His closeness and the truth of the Gospel and maybe  just maybe catch a glimpse of the joy they knew and yet know is there.  But you gotta be "rabbit quick."