Wednesday, April 3, 2013

If you never considered it - I beg you to do so.

1 Peter 1:6-7 ESV
In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, [7] so that the tested genuineness of your faith-more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire-may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Let's come clean.  My wife and I are now (actually have been) undergoing trials we never though we would.  Of course we know that we are not alone.  But as most of you know, in these trials, we feel very alone.

We are fortunate that our brothers and sisters in Christ are doing all they can to help us and walk with us through this - but that feeling of isolation still sneaks in and chokes one's heart and hope.  

We were doing OK - and then things began to go wrong(?) - or at least grow not good.  Then we found that there was little we could think of to "fix" things.  Like many of you we began to wonder why.  The more we wondered the darker it seemed to grow - and the more desperate we began to feel.

But - God has been faithful - through brothers and sisters who love Him we are loved, prayed for and to the degree possible provided for.  We can't deny His blessings even though we feel that sense of desperation.  It's a very hard thing to count your current blessings when what seems like disaster looms ahead.

We have both voiced Paul's comment that:
2 Corinthians 1:8b
 For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself.

No, we in no way think we are anywhere close to the despair Paul felt - but at times it does feel that way.  

We are also learning to count whatever we have left as "dross" compared to the grace and mercy we have in Christ.  But the danger there is to begin to be bitter towards having acquired all the "dross" and beating yourself up for it.  We find ourselves wanting for someone to just come and take it all and sell it for whatever can be had.  That looks and feels like quitting - like faithlessness.

We know He is sovereign and our trial is for His glory and is not for our injury but our benefit - it just doesn't feel that way.  The fight is to remember it is good regardless of how it feels.

So what would I have you consider?  Consider that this could be you or someone close to you - and it can happen more suddenly than you think.  Consider your intimacy with God when things are "good" and work on making it and keeping it as do Stanton and healthy as possible.  Do not wait until that intimacy comes from a trial - from desperation.  That intimacy can never be too deep nor too constant.

Consider how prepared you are to serve others as we see the Body doing in Acts 2.
Consider that suffering is part of our walk - it can be long and small or sudden and crushing.  Consider being prepared - knowing and trusting Him more deeply - trusting Him for everything and submitting to Him more broadly.

I wish we had - but we thought we were.  We never do considered we would be where we are.

Prayers are offered.  Prayers are sought.

May He draw you closer and may you run to Him often.

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