Thursday, February 13, 2014

Trusting God Today 021314

Trusting God  Today

We all know Jesus' teaching about God's provision for each day.  But do we ever just sit and think that through?  I don't think many of us do.  We're so caught up in the hustle of the everyday that we just let the day go by without reflecting on how He did provide for us.

It's good to take time at the end of the day to reflect back on how the God who in in charge of everything provided for you during the day.  And don't just think about all He gave you - think as well of what you avoided - what might have happened that didn't.

I know we shouldn't engage in "vain repetitions" in prayer and I emphasize the word "vain."  But I often pray, "Just today Lord, help me focus on just today," over and over as I start my day.  So many thing press in upon my heart and mind that if I don't don't do that then I am distracted in the rest of my prayer by things in the future (both real and imagined).

God is the God of eternity - and He is the God of right now as well.  I live in the right now - I hope in eternity.  I fight to keep my focus on my "right now" needs as I go through the day - looking for His hand in events and circumstances.  I want Him to be my God "today," in each moment.

Yes, I  pray over future events and worries but I only know I have this moment and in this moment I want to be trusting Him.  It's surprising how difficult it is to do - or rather how easy it is to not do.

Perhaps that is why we are encouraged to "pray always."  Perhaps it is in keeping this attitude of prayer that we are able to live in each moment of each day more aware of His providence and care.

I hope I'm making some kind of sense.  Brothers and sisters we only have right now and we only have right now to serve Him in and be thankful in.  Should we not take advantage of it?  Should we not seek His help in focusing on today as today unfolds?  How much do we miss when we are so distracted from God in our lives right now?

Today I will trust God for today.  He has promised me eternity and not tomorrow.  So all I have is today in which to serve and honor Him.  Today certainly has enough trouble but it has blessings as well.  I know I won't miss the first and I know I do not want to miss the second.  I pray I may live today - today - and know His work in my life more intimately and consistently.

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