Sunday, March 10, 2013

In search of, well, simplicity?

The Fellowship of Believers
Acts 2
 [42] And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. [43] And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. [44] And all who believed were together and had all things in common. [45] And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. [46] And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, [47] praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

I attended seminary in the hey-day of the "church growth" movement.  Not to bore you with details but the movement was a mix of loose doctrine and a modicum of marketing.  Being the hard-headed sou I am I just couldn't buy it.  Acts 2 just kept getting in the way.  So instead of doing the MDiv. thing I opted for an MA in Church History in a desire to see how the Lord had grown His church through the centuries.

Now I am not proposing some "new" insight or doctrine or method!  God has always had His way of growing His church.  I simply believe we see it simply and clearly in Acts 2.  

Now, order is good.  Our God is a God of order.  The church has her boundaries and expectations laid down in scripture - clearly.  But I can not find in scripture where the church is to be an institution (although it has structure, etc.)  

I believe that regardless of culture or circumstance we can take Acts 2 as the schematic for the church - both in form and function.  Really, it isn't about "the church" as a building, organizations or institution - it is about the church as people - redeemed people serving Him and they serve one another.  Out of this, Acts 2:46&47 we see God adding to the number of the redeemed --  Adding them to the "living breathing body" we see in Acts 2.

This is not some shot at the common church.  But it is a search for a more simple and basic way to be.  This is NOT some anti or pro thought or belief but rather a suggested alternative that is clearly presented in scripture.

I am simple convinced that when the church is the church, God will add to her.  He desires a safe place, a healthy place and perhaps a simple place to plant His baby sheep where they will be cared for and nurtured.  

Yes, in our culture we are very much a "consumer" society and perhaps the church has strayed from what He wants to what we want.  PERHAPS!!!!  

None-the-less I am asking you for your thoughts as they would be invaluable and a blessing.   

For years this passage has haunted me - I'd even say called me to pray for and pray hard for the church and it's members.   We don't need to rediscover or redesign anything - it's done right here in Acts and played out in the epistles.

What are your thoughts?  What are your insights?   Does this passage "touch" something in your heart?  Do you sense a longing for such an association, such a fellowship.  

I'm convinced that God can bring this "model" (?) into being anywhere - even in existing bodies.  It will demand a re-thinking and a re-ordering of priorities and function but would that really be hard but them is it really supposed to be easy?

Again - this is NOT some anti-whatever rant.  Just a suggestion that we consider this passage (and others) as we think  about the church.

PLEASE -even anonimously - let me have your thoughts.  You can even email me at

Father, open our hearts and minds to Your word that we might have the courage to look at Your church from Your word.  Make Your Spirit mighty in our lives not to bring criticism but rather a freshness and fearlessness to seek to be, as a body, all You would have us to be - especially that we would desire to become a place where You will add those You are saving.

1 comment:

  1. very good, and searching analysis of church
