Friday, March 22, 2013

Intimate insight 003

pray without ceasing;   (1Th 5:17)

This is one of verses that I fear we have kind of blown off.  Usually we find ourselves being taught that it means to have a constant attitude of prayer.  That's good - really good - but I am beginning to believe it means just what it says, "pray without ceasing!"

I don't mean we are to be on our knees 24/7 - although that might be a great and good thing.  But I wonder if we might see it this way:

"As soon as you cease to need God's provision and mercies, you can cease praying."

In our situation we find ourselves praying - and praying a lot.   I had a lunch date with a dear brother today and before I left Patti prayed for it (he and I).

As our needs mount and our resources don't we pray a lot about it.  But our prayer are changing.  Yes, we pray for Him to lead us to jobs - income - medical care and we are doing all the things one does to facilitate that.  Being grown-ups ;-}

But we are finding that He is showing us more and more things that need to be lifted up.  Relational things, depressing things, fear, old thought pattern, old behaviors - just a multitude of things that go along with tough times.

Yes - our favorite prayer if simply, "Help us Lord Jesus!!!"  But since there is a purpose to all He brings into our lives that prayer may be the biggy - but there is a plethora of smaller prayer - more intimate prayers - more "ouch" prayers that we find ourselves praying.  Hence we hardly "cease" from prayer.

We pray for understanding - but we pray to trust Him even if we don't.  We pray for courage when we get that chill up the spine and emptiness in the belly.  We pray whet we get frustrated.  We pray when we notice the slightest blessing ( i there really is such a thing ;-}.

Prayer doesn't cease - oh, it's not an every minute thing but it is an every need and blessing thing.  We go to prayer often - maybe not long - but often.  Even a simple, "Thank You Lord," is a genuine and acceptable prayer.  it thanks Him and acknowledges His faithfulness.

Were not boasting here - our prayer growth began with our realization of our need and weakness to a depth we had never been led to.  So we shamefacedly  encourage you not to wait until your sensed need for prayer - all prayer - presents itself.  Don't wait to pray on the "trip down."  Start praying at every opportunity for every blessing, mercy, lesson and trial and do not forget the small stuff.  For there is no small stuff.

Pray without ceasing - is a great attitude but it is a more importantly a necessary discipline - activity - whatever you want to call it.  

Father - I live so focused on me and big needs that it is so easy for me to not attend to all the blessings - common and uncommon - that You are constantly providing.  Trials are meant to build our faith and our faithfulness and that demands prayer of all kinds at every opportunity.  
Make me sensitive to that and draw me to pray, refusing to see anything too trivial or common to lift up to You - right then - right there.


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